Abbey Hill School & Performing Arts College has always endeavoured to be a forward thinking school, a place where every child really does matter. Abbey Hill prides itself on providing quality education, support and care for all its pupils. The staff always try to go "the extra mile".
Abbey Hill is held in high esteem by parents and the local community and it is their aim to be even better! Independent accolade from OFSTED inspections, confirm this; "From low starting points most students make rapid progress in all subjects" (Ofsted 2014), "The sixth form is outstanding" (Ofsted 2014).
"We have approximately 230 pupils on roll, with over 40% having Autistic Spectrum Conditions. In our new build, we were keen to develop a range of sensory rooms to meet the wide age range within our school, 3-19 years."
Our aim was to be able to use the space for:
We wished to create spaces where we could promote communication and interaction, and therefore opted for a number of control boxes to operate the equipment in each room. Pupils enjoy using the sensory rooms and find them a pleasurable experience, and are therefore in a more relaxed state which is conducive to learning.
We particularly love the vibrating waterbed and the large rocking chair. The sales team who talked to us about the rooms and trained us on the sensory equipment was very pleasant and helpful."
Julie Cartwright, Deputy Head Teacher